The Benefits of Using a Virtual Assistant

The Benefits of Using a Virtual Assistant

Whether you run a small business or Fortune 500 company, using a Virtual Assistant will save you time and money over and over again.

You get the benefits of a full-time employee who understands your needs – without the overhead of health insurance, office space, equipment, payroll taxes and all the other expenses of taking on another employee.

One Virtual Assistant can often do the jobs of several different employees thus eliminating the need for additional full-time staffing. And you only pay when you use your Virtual Assistant. You can even pay your VA a small retainer to ensure she will be available whenever you want him/her.

Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant

Outsourcing not only frees up your time to concentrate on the income-generating part of your business, but you get your work done far quicker and perhaps with better quality, too.

You never have to worry about staff showing up on time each morning. No worries about coffee breaks, lunch breaks, vacation days, vacation pay, sick days, employee arguments, etc.

Have you ever suspected your employees are surfing the Internet while they should be working? You can be reasonably sure they are doing just that. This loses you and your business time, money and confidence in your employees. And it is not necessary, either. Hiring a Virtual Assistant to do some of your work will save you all the heartache and headache. You will find it far more convenient, cost-effective and time-saving.

Why not start to enjoy the freedom of running your own business without the administrative worries and hassles. It will cost you far less than you may think.

How Do Virtual Assistants Get Paid?

The payment method is usually Direct Pank Transfer after invoice, and for the tech savvy, PayPal is probably the safest and certainly the fastest way of transferring money in today’s world.

Simply log in to your PayPal account, select Send Money and send the amount you wish to the VA’s PayPal account. It’s that easy!

No HR Admin or Management

A Virtual Assistant is a business entrepreneur who is paid as an independent contractor. They work remotely and use technology to deliver services globally. No payroll taxes, no health insurance, no office overhead whatsoever for you to worry about. The fee depends on the job assignment and the VA’s level of expertise.

Virtual Assistants can charge anywhere from R90 to R750 per hour depending on the complexity of the assignment. However, there are certain countries where Virtual Assistants are the proverbial dime-a-dozen, and you have to beware of this as it might reflect in the quality of your work – bad English, bad grammar (or none at all), spelling errors, typos and so much more. Therefore it is worth taking a little more time and choosing your VA wisely, rather than go for the cheaper option. Most times this is a false economy.

Web designers or computer technicians, for instance, obviously charge more than administrative assistants. You are not only paying them for their time and effort, but you are also paying for their knowledge and skill.

If you wish to have a Virtual Assistant available to you on a regular basis, then you may reserve a certain amount of time with your VA each month depending on your needs. This time can be negotiated in advance.

About the author

Douglas Maximus administrator

Douglas Maximus is Founder and CEO of Maximus Admin Support, Africa’s most trusted team of Virtual Administrative Assistants, a company that provide tailor made virtual business solutions support systems that allow the SMEs the peace of mind to focus on the business success. Before starting his business, he spent more than 12 years as company Administrative Officer for an International Leadership Development organisation based in South Africa. After a successful career in the Training, Coaching and Mentoring sector, he and his team now helps entrepreneurs by giving them more time to focus on the big picture by taking care of the little details. Douglas enjoys trying new sports (Table tennis, anyone?) and managing a virtual administrative business. He is available for all basic administrative tasks, private consultations, training, coaching and mentoring. You can reach him at